Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Our brains are capable of so much more than we can possibly be concious of, and it's all happening behind the scenes. In fact I do believe our minds are completely infinite. Evidence of this, and I mean just the tip of the iceberg, can be experianced in dreams. Just last night I was watching music videos produced in my mind, going to music I havnt even heard in years, and then even going to epic music my mind created. The viewing perspective is what gets me all excited, thinking of the fact that I was simultaneously the viewer/beholder of something I was creating, and without even realizing myself to be the creator at the time. Then in the next scene last night, I was painting quite extraordinarily, and enough to strongly influence some of my current and next works. It was great!!!!! I have really been on a heavy dream kick lately. (I have also been painting for hours everyday!) I love it! Time just doesn't exsist anymore when you're in there...what fun it truly is.

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